
Success Guarantee

We provide all “Private Seller” clients with a 100% success guarantee.

While we firmly believe that anyone can sell their property, we understand that some individuals may not start with the same level of confidence that we have. Therefore, we aim to instil total confidence by offering you a no-risk guarantee.

If, for any reason, you use the Private Seller service and do not succeed in attracting a buyer, we are prepared to introduce you to one of our trusted licensed agency partners who will take over the task of selling your property. The fee you have paid to “Private Seller” will be transferred to this agency (along with the professional photographs, scripts, etc.), reducing the overall commission you will pay for them to sell your property.

In essence, if you wish to discontinue your efforts because you do not enjoy dealing with buyers or for any other reason (we won’t question your motivation), a reputable agency will take charge of your sale under terms that are acceptable to you.

This means you have nothing to lose attempting to sell your property as a “Private Seller.”

We are confident in making this promise, fully aware that we want to avoid parting with our hard-earned money. This demonstrates our belief in your ability to sell your property with our help.

(Naturally, if you decide not to sell or withdraw your property from the market for any reason, this guarantee will not apply).